Cypress College Web Design for FALL 2014 (MAD 102/103/162/163)

September 24 News:

Root & Subfolder Assignment: There were a significant number of students who were not clear on the structure of the folders, or the rationale behind the way the files are named. I created this image that you can open/print/save/ and refer to in the future if you are having file management issues.

We will go over this image in class next week, and I will return your root/subfolder assignment so you can check your answers and resubmit for full points.

Textbook titles & ISBN

MAD 102/103.162/163: Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom by Jeremy Osborn and AGI Creative Team, 2012 first edition ISBN-10: 111812409X

  • If you have already completed & mastered all of the exercises at least once, then you will research and propose an alternative exercise based textbook – base your selections on your own goals

MAD 162 & 163 & SUGGESTED: Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics, by Niederst Jennifer Robbins, 2012 fourth edition 1449319270

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

In class, during your lab and anytime you need to access course content this website will be used. When your complete projects the work will show up here through the magic of a well structured plan, and of course you-the-awesome-student doing the work.

This course is challenging, and I don't expect every student to understand every aspect by the end. Web design encompasses sooooooooo many skills: design practices (typography and a graphic approach), business branding, planning & production, coding (HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and more), software (DreamWeaver plus PhotoShop, Illustrator), thinking about Social Media, incorporating video and sound, UX - the user experience, etc.

See, lots to learn and we take it bit by bit and you can take this class up to 4 times or until you are ready for the work world. Some students have experience or naturally excell at design, coding, User Experience or Social Media, but even the most gifted or even experienced students has areas where they need some extra time. That is where my focus will be, on helping you through.

If you need help at any point, just email me or visit me in the lab on Tuesdays before class (2:20-5pm) or after class (7-9pm).

Most Frequently Visited Links used throughout Course

Color Coded Packets - distributed week 1 & 2

At the beginning of each term, students recieve 4 color coded packets. These packets are not online and you will need to bring all 4 packets to each class and lab. Their purpose is as follows:

  1. Yellow Packet: Syllabus & Schedule
    1. (Light yellow portion) Syllabus
    2. (Bright yellow portion) Schedule
      1. (this schedule is more than likely going to change)
        1. updates and will be posted in the above news section
  2. Pink Packet: Log In & Assignments
    1. Log In Instructions
      1. you will need this in both lab and class to use dreamweaver
    2. Assignments: description, and general instructions in date order
      1. ALWAYS look at the handouts link to see what digital handouts are available for your assignment or learning interest.
  3. Blue Packet: Rubrics (850/1000 points)
    1. You will have a rubrics for each piece of work to be graded.
      1. You can go thru the assignment and rubrics together and make sure you are getting all the points possible.
    2. These sheets will be filled out in class and submitted to me for grading.
      1. These grade sheets will be returned to you after I have posted your grade.
        1. Use a big clip to keep all your graded work together.
  4. Green Packet: LAB NOTES (150/1000 points)
    1. Never unstaple this packet - thanks
    2. Fill out one sheet for each weeks lab.
      1. I will grade this work over the term, starting with the second lecture class.