Sources (Books & links) for success in web design

STUDENTS: please feel free to email me links to sites you feel would be helpful. I've included my favorite sites as an added resource for you.

Learning: Methods
  1. What Schools Today Don't Teach: About programming / 11 million views
  2. About STARTING & NOT GIVING UP / coding - Title: Never too old to become a developer
  3. Accelerated Learning: Debunking the 10,000 hour rule, what can be done in 20 hours.
    1. what do you want -VERY specific and goal oriented example "I want to go order dinner in an entire foreign language"
    2. De-construct the topic and identify its sub-skills
    3. Research & find sources: 5 books (skim to discover what comes up most - discover top 2-5 things)
      1. Practice: best done in two steps 20 min
        1. BEFORE sleep or a nap
        2. AFTER sleep or a nap
    4. REMOVE DISTRACTIONS (email, texts, other people), MAKE IT ACCESSIBLE (laptop out)
    5. Pre-Commit to practice 20 hours
      1. Is the goal still worth it - starting is hardest part
      2. 20 minutes twice a day for a month
  4. Success Video (How Bad Do You Want It) 26 million views
  5. Riley Hilliard - self taught in 10 months: Learned to code in HTML5 (HTML, CSS, Java Script& some ruby (case study to research if you like)
  6. A Smarter Way to Learn: (ADVANCED programming javascript and more)

Career Planning:
  1. Bootcamps
    1. Interaction Design
  2. Career Planning: after-all theres no point in placing your ladder against the WRONG wall
  3. How to Find an Entry Level Job:
  4. Hone your UX skills as a paid usability tester (about $10 per test)
  5. Add alternatives to LinkedIn - (advice - enhance LinkedIn)
  6. Adding LinkedIn instructions youtube video (add to your website or email signature)
  7. How to ask GOOD QUESTIONS: establish your online reputation)
  8. 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business:
  9. Book: Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture & Technology, Joseph Straubhaar, Robert LaRose, Lucinda Davenport
  10. Start networking and polishing your skills - about 20 very relevant meetups are within an hour of LA/Orange County
  11. Once you have mastered Dreamweaver as in understanding HTNL & CSS concepts, started with some javascript you will want to start handcoding. A industry standard editor (free) is Sublime

Advice for the 1st website for a small Business

  • 1st step
    • Books/ Guerilla Marketing in 30 days (2014)
    • What are you ACTUALLY selling
    • Who are your buyers
      • How will you aquire customers
      • What do your buyers (personas) want (scenarios) & can you deliver that product and service
  • 2nd step (happens simultaneously)
    • Branding, graphics, color scheme
    • Pre-planning your 1st website - know where you will start
      • 1st phase/start up: This will be a bare bones site - don't box yourself in. Research 5 businesses online that are similar to yours. You will create a site that is a pared back version. A budget of about $300-600 will get you a domain name, hosting, profesional email, and a simple static (non mobile) web site of 3-4 pages, assuming you give your web designer the content (text and images) they need.
        • The matching mobile site may cost about as much, and will serve different purposes. You may want to add the mobile version 6 months after the first site. Responsive sites can get expensive fast, and can lead to significant compromises.
      • 2nd phase/after 1st year: Re answer questions in 1st step. apply what you learned after 1st year - include testimonials, extend or reduce your services.
    • Order business cards & marketing media - branded w proffesional website url & email. Only order a 6-12 month supply, you will likely have a better sense of what you need after you have distributed your media.

Images - Free & (make sure you know Copyright Issues)

Flat design & Mobile Device - Topics


HTML,CSS, & JavaScript
  • Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics, by Niederst Jennifer Robbins, 2012 fourth edition 1449319270
    • assigned to MAD 162/163 students
    • highly recommended for advanced MAD 102/103 students
  • CSS Masters: Advanced Web Standards Solutions / second edition, Andy Budd, 2009
  • Designing with Web Standards /third edition, Jefferey Zeldman, copyright 2010
  • Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns, Michael Bowers, 2007
  • Bulletproof Web design / second edition, Dan Cedarholm, 2007
  • Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax, Christian Heilmann, 2006
  • A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript - 10 minutes lesson then 20-minutes online practice. 2013
Graphic Design
  • Creative Workshop - 80 Assignments: David Sherwin, 2010
  • Thinking with Type: Ellen Lupton,2010
  • Elements of Typographic Style: Robert Bringhurst, 2004
  • Color: Betty Edwards, 2004

Note: the non-web design specific design books.
Remember great coding still perils at the hands of poor design...

Adobe Suite

Video on You tube & Links

Visual Design & Typography
CSS Design & Typography
Working with Sound
  • MP3 vs MP4 - descriptions & best used
  • Levelator (free program that levels your sound), download from
    • you tube demo (going from Garage bands Aiff to mp3 - 10x compression)
Working with Video
  • Insert a you tube video
  • First choice uses mp4Insert video using html5 directly into page
  • Second choice methods Insert Video 3 examples
    1. uses SWF video file (these are flash based, be careful using Flash today)
    2. Embed .wmv (Windows Media)
    3. Embed .mp4 (Apple Quicktime)
You tube Web Design Favorites (overview)
Basic HTML (you-tube videos)
Basic CSS
Menu's, Navigation Bars
Adobe Suite
User Experience
  • Peek: get feedback about your site - free
Validation and Bugs
  • Validator:
  • User Statistics:
Javascript DHTML
jQuery- Introductory Concepts - you tube videos

Advanced Topics

  • User Testing - fantastic free webinars
  • TextMate: about $50, has superior color code features for coding
  • Ruby: (multipurpose interpreted language) site where you download Ruby Free
  • Ruby on Rails is a Web Framework written in Ruby
  • Code School (HTML/css, javascript, ruby, ios) Free
  • Visual Chaos Website: Created by Dr Ralph Abraham / 3D with webGL