TOP skills for DESIGNERS

WHO does what? A website is comprised of a front end and a back end. The front end is designer driven, and the back end is programmer or developer driven and focuses on programming, database, and security issues. Note: With small sites, the front and back ends are usually handled by one person who has both design and development skills. That person typically is less specialized than an expert who is focused on either the front or back end.

Freelance: Alternatively the producer/designer/developer may subcontract areas of need unsatisfied with their expertise. This is a common practice that affords the freelancer the ability to produce works of flexible scope within their vision but outside of their ability.

On Collaboration: Knowing your role can not be overemphasized. Although designers, and developers occupy the space of different expertise, their goals must be communicated effectively in order to achieve congruent results. That means having knowledge (shared vocabulary and understanding) and an honest appreciation for each other's role.

If you are a Designer purist, you are not a programmer (and vicaVersa)

The concentration of this course is on web design, but ONLY you can decide where you fit on the designer-programmer continuum. It's always ok to grow in non-linear ways. Always be true to yourself!

Designer Breadth

Understand these backend programming concepts:

Learn how to do some basics outside of design:

Designer Depth

This is a general hierarchy of the order with which DESIGNERS develop expertise