CSS & DIV's:
The Easy Instructions

Beginner's Guide to a Single page w/ Navigation

Build this web page in 4 Steps using the PDF instructions (link above)

This is our go to exercise for styling our divs and css. It will be the foundation for understanding how to build a single page that implements HTML5 and CSS in the Dreamweaver CS6 application. Once we have a single fully functioning page, we can make multiple pages from our original.


There are approximately 4 steps in building this single page.

  1. Insert Divs and classes
    1. see above link to finished step 1
  2. Edit the classes
    1. see above link to finished step 2
  3. Insert & style our navigation bar
    1. see above link to finished step 3
  4. Clean up and obvious CSS hack for older browsers (Internet Explorer usually)
    1. this page

Each of the 4 parts are covered separately. Many beginning students encounter errors in one or more of these 4 main areas - or steps. It's the sticky point starting out. Having a typical set of instructions all in one place is helpful for the beginning web designer just coming out of the gate. So here it is - please refer to these instructions to build and edit your first page.

Note: The PDF instructions for STEP 4 involves an analysis of the code for the CSS rules ".header" and ".header h2".

Instructors Notes

Students should be able to complete this project in about two hours assuming

For further information take a tour back to the class website. Comments are also welcome through the instructor's professional site.